“More and more, customers of Canada’s high-quality food want to know that their food was produced ethically, with a minimized impact on the environment.”
- Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Collaborating to measure and facilitate the communication of sustainability practices in Canada’s agri-food sector.
The Canadian Agri-Food Sustainability Initiative (CASI) is building leadership and co-operation for supply chain sustainability data, programs, tools, and collaboration opportunities. Together with our partners, we will enable clarity and transparency in terms of capturing and communicating best management practices to improve economic, environmental, and social outcomes across the Canadian agri-food system.
Giving Credit Where It’s Due
CASI is not about duplication: it’s about simplifying our collective needs and being proactive in communicating our success. International markets are expecting proof of sustainable production practices. CASI is a national solution to measure and communicate our sustainability efforts in the agri-food sector.
Our Plan
Our recent 3-year funding announcement through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership has enabled us to further develop and expand the CASI vision. CASI will give Canadian farmers, processors and food companies the credit they deserve for the sustainability work already happening in the sector and provide the tools and knowledge for continuous improvement. Join us in building a collaborative platform to support sustainability efforts in the Canadian agri-food sector.

“Looking at the world through a sustainability lens not only helps us and our supply chain, it also fuels innovation and drives brand growth. ”
— Paul Polman, former CEO Unilever
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Appel à tous les agriculteurs certifiés @CRSB_beef - vous êtes invités à participer au premier projet pilote IDAC !… https://t.co/8lkw558mrL
Calling all @CRSB_beef certified producers – you’re invited to participate in the first CASI Pilot Project! Help us… https://t.co/y1UrIjHjM6
RT @FarmsPrairies: Report shines light on national priorities for @CdnAgriFoodSust The report summarizes what the @CFAFCA heard from… https://t.co/5GPkijUY9H